Sunday 14 August 2016

AmbedkarAssociation North America

Global Dalits United' -That is what the board says in Hindi. To get parity and justice. Who the heck is that some else to loot Dalit lands, appropriate constitutional money, jobs, affirmative actions, and the right to make it criminal of these 98 types of restrictions from drawing water from a well to walk on streets with a foot wear on? Get back our lands and decide the work by yourself even that means going out hungry and fight. There is only one life to live and die. If some one makes you die carry him first along. Nothing ever comes without a fight from the one who moved up early by cheating. The very fact the dominant cheated is that he was a cheat. Now without fight the cheat won't come down with his loot. Fight and protect as well, keep reinventing oneself away from braminical cult through education. ‪#‎ChaloUna‬ . Great work. Diaspora will continue to support 'Global Dalits United' from around the globe, using all means at our disposal drawing more from less. That is Dalit efficiency to fight back and win. Thanks to Pratik Sinha Manjula Pradeep Jignesh Mevani Manisha Mashaal and the million rest, unknown warriors. Jai Bhim.

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